How to Get a Girl to Like You - by: Alpha Male

"How to Get a Girl to Like You"

How to Get a Girl to Like You

By John Alexander

Click Here To Buy: How to Become An Alpha Male - eBook
We’ve all had that special woman in our lives. You know... the one with the sweet personality, the really nice hair and a perfect face. She dates the more "adept" guys... but how can you get her to like you?

While men are primarily attracted to women based on their looks, a woman finds a man attractive because of his personality. A ideal man is an alpha male who’s confident in himself and not afraid to take the lead and get what he wants out of life.

Ironically, what this means then is that the best way for a girl to like you is when she feels like she has EARNED you.

That’s because to get a girl to like you, you should come from a mindset of high value. Never come from a position of neediness.

So the best attitudes to have towards any one particular woman are:

1. Nonchalance.

2. Non-attachment to whether she likes you or not. (By that I mean, if she likes you that’s awesome, but if not, there are tons of other chicks out there who are equally as great as she is.)

The bottom line is that a woman should never be a challenge for you. Instead you should be a challenge for her.

In addition to placing a high value on yourself, you can also eliminate neediness by building up your social network. Make friends with as many women as you can. (Women are easy to make friends with.)

Also date as many women as you can... don’t restrict yourself only to dating "that one special girl."

You see, the last thing you ever want to have going through your mind when you’re around that special woman is, "God, I MUST have this girl! She’s irreplaceable!" Having an abundance of women in your life will solve that problem.

Also, whenever a woman sees that other chicks are attracted to a guy, she too feels attraction. Psychologically, this is known as the "social proof" phenomenon... and it’s much more powerful in women than men.

Ever noticed how your female friends drool over the guy at the corner of the bar who’s got four babes at his table? That’s social proof in action.

By the way, it’s fine to think a girl is beautiful and to feel something strong for her.

Here’s the key though... you must always remind yourself that there are LOTS of other women out there who are just as wonderful as that girl you really like.

If you start thinking that any girl is one of a kind, then that gives her power over you, and, ironically, makes her lose attraction to you.

So, you’re free to think that a woman’s amazing. Just remember that lots of other girls are amazing too. That way you won’t become needy.

So remember, place a high value on yourself, make her earn your attention, and hang out with as many women as possible... those are the three secrets for how to get a girl to like you.

John Alexander is the developer of How to Become an Alpha Male, a seduction success system for men. Discover the excitement and pleasure of having gorgeous, horny women automatically drawn to you like a magnet.

Click Here To Buy: How to Become An Alpha Male - eBook


How to Attract Girls Even if You're Short - Alpha Male Guide

"How to Attract Girls Even if You’re Short"

How to Attract Girls Even if You’re Short

By John Alexander

Click Here To Buy: How to Become An Alpha Male - eBook
Let me mention a few names and you can tell me what they all have in common:

- Al Pacino
- Humphrey Bogart
- Napoleon

Okay, no surprise here... they’re all short guys. But you know what? They were all awesome with the ladies (and not just because of their celebrity status... they were all players before they became famous.)

In fact, the reason they could attract girls was because of their strong inner attitude.

There are a couple things you can do in the short term. Wearing boots right now will subtly add 2 or 3 inches to your height.

Also, when you dress, wear vertical stripes and tight clothes. That will make you look SLENDER, which will make you appear taller.

Long term, one way short guys can be more dominant physically is to work out. In fact that really should be first and foremost. If you’ve got muscles, it helps A LOT, not only with your physical appearance, but also with your confidence levels, strong inner attitude, and poise. So get in the gym.

When you’re muscular and you’re a short guy, you become like a pit bull. And by the way, I’d like you to experiment with that.. do not always be the nice guy who’s polite. For the next few months, try to let your "inner badass" come out a bit when you’re with girls.

Do the affirmation, "I’m becoming like the pitbull who can dominate the bigger dogs."

Once you start feeling more and more confident in a few weeks, change your affirmation to, "I AM like the pitbull who can dominate bigger dogs."

I’ve noticed that a lot of short guys develop a VERY strong presence by having cultivated that inner badass.

Now, I’m not saying you should become a jerk... but just try to balance out that inner nice guy.

Next thing to do long term is to GIVE UP any approval-seeking. Who cares what women think of you? Go through life doing what you want and being who you are. (That is so key by the way... those guys I list above were players exactly because they went through life doing what they wanted and being true to who they were.)

You see, short guys who are badasses really have a bit of an advantage. Because of their stature, they automatically are able to have more rapport with chicks (who tend to be short themselves) than the guys who are beanpoles. And when you add to that a bit of a "badboy" element, it makes chicks dripping wet with attraction.

The bottom line is this: only if YOU feel uncomfortable with your height will it affect you with the girls. If you feel completely comfortable with your height, then they will too.

By the way, when it comes to tall guys, what women find attractive about them isn’t their height. It’s their dominance. If you have a tight sense of inner confidence, and project a personality that sucks them in, height will be the furthest thing from their minds.

So to sum up, be true to yourself, take risks in life, cultivate your inner badass, and stop caring about anyone’s approval. And hit the gym ASAP. And do the fashion things I said.

Then you’ll attract girls without worrying about irrelevant things like height.

John Alexander is author of How to Become an Alpha Male, a girl-attracting success system that will have you easily drawing women toward you like a magnet. Find out more by visiting:


Have You Got a Girlfriend? Here's How Not to Screw It Up - Alpha Male Tips

"Have You Got a Girlfriend? Here’s How Not to Screw It Up"

Have You Got a Girlfriend? Here’s How Not to Screw It Up

By John Alexander

Click Here To Buy: How to Become An Alpha Male - eBook
Having a girlfriend can be a dangerous thing. We become too dependent on our woman for our happiness, and then if we get dumped, we find that we’ve all of a sudden lost our confidence. This results in being without sex for many months, until we finally get a girlfriend again, and... the cycle repeats.

So to break this cycle, we need to REMAIN the attractive guy, the alpha male.

You see, relationships can make us guys too lazy (since the sex is so easy) and we lose that "high value" mindset. It’s crucial to keep that alpha male frame of mind that says, "I am like a Lamborghini."

Do Lamborghini dealerships grovel to try to get people to like them? Of course not. Instead they allow all the buyers to come to them. Hell, Lamborghini doesn’t even advertise. As a man, you should have a similar confident mindset if you want to maximize the attraction your girlfriend feels for you.

So, how do you keep that alpha mindset? First and foremost, avoid chasing your girlfriend like a puppy dog. A basic concept which will prevent her from ever treating you badly is what I call Punishment and Reward.

If a woman engages in behavior which you disapprove of, punish her by withdrawing your time and focusing on something (or someone) else. If she does something you like (such as having sex with you), reward her by giving her more of your time, talking about her feelings, etc.

So whenever you do something nice for her, do it because you’re rewarding her. And DO reward her good behavior, if you want more of it. Like I said, Punishment and Reward.

Then there’s the issue of being a challenge. Women act sweet when you’re a challenge to them. They act bitchy when they take you for granted and no longer feel like they need put out effort to win your affections.

Often by around month 6 in a relationship is when a woman really starts to take a guy for granted, so avoid that by remaining a challenge.

So the solution to remaining the attractive, alpha guy in your relationships is threefold:

1. Always be willing to focus your time on things other than your girlfriend. Don’t reward her for acting bitchy by continuing to be around her when she does. On the other hand, too, reward her for good behavior by giving her more of your time when she acts sweet.

2. Always have it in the back of your mind that you could end the relationship at any time. Don’t explicitly threaten her with that, but just make it a subtle implication. That way she’ll never become truly comfortable with the relationship and will keep working to win you.

3. Always allow her to think that’s she’s just a little bit more interested in you than you are in her. Again, this can be very subtle, but if (for example) you’re telling her 20 times a day that you love her, and she’s only telling you that twice, then obviously the situation is badly out of whack.

John Alexander is author of How to Become an Alpha Male, a dating and seduction success system that will maximize your chances of getting and keeping that dream woman you’ve got your eye on.


The Fated Encounter - Alpha Male Tip

"The Fated Encounter"

Using The Fated Encounter For First Date Seduction Success

By John Alexander

Click Here To Buy: How to Become An Alpha Male - eBook

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could create feelings within a woman of a deep connection with you... even if you two have known each other for only a few hours... and without having to resort to complicated (and risky!) hypnosis tactics?

Well, good news. There is a very easy, no-risk way to do this. I call it the Fated Encounter Technique.

Here’s why it works. Every woman has a fantasy from the time she was a little girl, triggered by a constant diet of romance movies and novels, about fate bringing the man of her dreams to her.

In one typical scene the guy and the girl almost bump into each other on the sidewalk. Instead, fate keeps them apart, and they go their separate ways.

Then, two years later, they live in the same apartment building. Yet after several close calls, they still don’t meet, again because of fate.

The two date other people, off and on, and yet are never happy. Months go by. The man and the woman each ponder what it will be like when they meet that special someone, someday...

And then near the end of the movie, fate finally brings them together. And of course they hit it off right from the start.

Wouldn’t it be nice if that could happen in real life, rather than having to wait through several dates before the woman finally feels comfortable enough with you to have sex?

Well, it can. You can speed the seduction process and have the woman feeling deeply connected with you by using my Fated Encounter Technique. I’ll explain how it works.

During the course of your conversation with the woman, you bring up places she has been to. If you’ve been to those same places, you then talk about how amazing it is that the two of you could have been there at the same time and yet destiny kept you apart.

Let’s say, to use a recent example I encountered, that she shops at the local Whole Foods grocery store.

You can then say, "That’s awesome. I shop there too. Imagine, we’ve probably seen each other there all the time!"

Another example would be that the two of you go to downtown LA all the time, and probably have walked past each other on many occasions.

And now, you can say, "Isn’t it amazing how fate has finally brought us together?"

As the conversation progresses, the two of you can talk about other coincidences, and the things the two of you might have done together if you’d only known each other.

With the seed planted, as the girl thinks about those coincidences, and how "fate" has now brought the two of you together, she will then start to feel as if she’s known you, on a deeper psychic level, for a lot longer than just a few hours.

You, she concludes, are the man she’s been waiting for all her life.

John Alexander is author of "How to Become an Alpha Male" ... a seduction success guide for men. Learn the 7 Step Seduction System that takes you from saying "hello" to a new woman... to sharing orgasms in bed with her... in just one evening!

Click  Here To Buy: How to Become An Alpha Male - eBook

Boyfriending Technique to be An Alpha Male

"Boyfriending Technique"

Use The Boyfriending Technique To Get Laid Fast

By John Alexander

How to Become an Alpha Male"

Click Here To Buy: How to Become An Alpha Male - eBook

I’m going to reveal an important comfort-building technique I call "Boyfriending." In a nutshell, there’s something you can do that’s usually done ONLY by a woman’s boyfriend.

If you do it too, it’s a way of getting under a woman’s radar and making her comfortable enough around you so that she’ll be receptive to sex without making you wait.

You see, in order for a typical woman to have sex with a man, she must have feelings of comfort. It is not enough for her to simply feel attraction for the guy.

Let’s say you meet a girl at a 5 PM happy hour. The two of you hit it off, having a great conversation. She’s laughing. She’s interested. You entrance her by telling her fascinating stories about your life. The two of you have good rapport.

Around 7:30, you get hungry and invite her to get something to eat. Dinner goes well too. Then dinner ends. Now what?

Around this time, a lot of guys get confused about how to advance the interaction forward. Clearly the goal is to get laid, but the roadmap is often muddled.

Usually the night ends with the woman saying something like, "I had great time meeting you. Call me. Bye!"

Often, the need for comfort is why women like to make guys wait before sex.

(If the guy’s lucky, it might be only three dates, but with a lot of women, the guy can be made to wait for months.)

Fortunately, there’s a way to shortcircuit that barrier. I call it the "Boyfriending Technique."

If you watch couples who are in close relationships, you’ll notice an interesting phenomenon. The man and woman are extremely comfortable touching each other, so much so that they’ll even do seemingly gross things like brush sleep ("eye boogers") out of each other’s eyes.

It’s a behavior that’s only done by people who are completely comfortable around each other. Certainly when you are in a relationship where you can brush sleep out of a woman’s eye, you’ve long since passed the point where the two of you are comfortable having sex.

Catch my drift? You can use this as a psychological weapon to make the woman feel more comfortable around you.

In mid-conversation, tell her to hold still and close her eyes. Pretend there’s sleep in her eye, and make her believe that you just brushed it off.

Later, after the two of you finish eating and leave the restaurant, again tell her to hold still. With your finger, brush off an imaginary piece of food from her lower lip.

The net result of the Boyfriending Technique is nuclear. First, it sub-communicates that the two of you are very comfortable around each other.

Second, it involves you touching her face, bringing your heads closer together and progressing towards a make out session.

Third, in the case of you touching her lower lip, you’re in fact touching an erogenous zone. That’s right... a woman’s lower lip has a high concentration of nerve endings. Stimulating her lower lip makes her body release sex hormones.

Make the Boyfriending Technique a part of your dating arsenal, and you’ll find more success than ever before. You may just be having sex within several hours instead of having to wait several months.

John Alexander is author of "How to Become an Alpha Male" ... a seduction success guide for men. Learn the 7 Step Seduction System that takes you from saying "hello" to a new woman... to sharing orgasms in bed with her... in just one evening!

Here To Buy: How to Become An Alpha Male - eBook

Body Language for Alpha Male

"Body Language"

Body Language

By John Alexander

Click Here To Buy: How to Become An Alpha Male - eBook

An estimated 67% to 93% of human communication (according to university researchers) is non-verbal, and your body language reveals your internal emotional state. Whether someone’s parents just died, or whether they just got promoted to CEO... you can tell by observing their body language.

So, as a man who tries to pick up and seduce women, you should be mindful of what you’re communicating non-verbally.

Body language consists of the following:

- Your movements. They should be nonchalant, as if you’re so fabulously successful that there’s rarely a reason for you to rush nor try to impress anybody. Move through the world doing what you want and assuming that others will follow.

- The displacement of your body. Your arms and legs should be spread out. Don’t be afraid to take up space.

- Your voice. It should have a calm, soothing, and commanding effect. Don’t speak too fast or strain your voice.

- Your face. Keep your facial muscles relaxed. Never tense your jaw, and only rarely should you frown or wrinkle your brow.

- Your shoulders. Keep them relaxed like they’d be if you just got a massage. Don’t raise them up like a nervous person.

I would even go as far as to say that you body language is more important than anything you say, because if your body language doesn’t match what you say, then you won’t succeed with women.

You see, if you tell a woman stories that convey your confidence, but at the same time you slump over and fold your arms, then you come across as fake.

I’ve picked up women before merely through the use of my body language. For example, a couple months ago I was at a coffee shop that I frequent, lounging on the couch, arms spread out, with my feet up on the table.

The mindset I had was that I felt so comfortable that it was as if I were in my home lounging on my own couch. It was as if I owned the coffee shop.

The net result was that a girl sitting near me put down her book and started engaging me in random small talk.

(Whenever an attractive girl you don’t know starts a random conversation with you, you should ALWAYS assume that she’s attracted to you. This is because women generally won’t risk the whole male-female dynamic, especially with a stranger, unless they feel attraction.)

The conversation went on for awhile, I got her number, called her that night, and a few days later we met and after several hours went to her place, where I spent the night. (We finally had sex in the morning.)

The bottom line though is that she became initially attracted to me and approached me because of my body language.

Now, of course body language isn’t enough. You also must have an internal alpha male mindset that’s consistent with your body language.

But make no mistake about it... if your body language conveys confidence, then your mood will also shift to become more confident. And have you ever noticed how when you walk with a spring in your step, you feel more upbeat?

Conversely, when you cast your eyes down and drag your feet, you feel depressed. So your mindset also follows the body language that you adopt.

So, in conclusion, be an alpha male with your mindset and your body language. Be in a woman’s personal space and be sexual and interested in her, but at the same time don’t be needy or desperate for her attention. Just be comfortable and enjoy yourself.

And when your body language conveys that, it means you’ll later be comfortable and enjoying yourself... with the woman.

John Alexander is author of "How to Become an Alpha Male", a seduction success system for men that will have you displaying body language that attracts women like a magnet.

Here To Buy: How to Become An Alpha Male - eBook